Play Fair Campaign Restores $80M to NYC Parks Dept for FY2022

We're thrilled that our elected leaders heard our voices and restored $80M to NYC Parks budget for FY2022! 

The Play Fair for Parks campaign is a multi-year advocacy effort that elevates parks and open space issues in New York City with the Play Fair Coalition, 300+ groups and organizations, including BPOC. The campaign was co-founded by New Yorkers for Parks, the New York League of Conservation Voters, District Council 37 and the NYC Parks workers union.

The break-out of the funding restoration is detailed below.

$58M to reinvest in critical Maintenance and Operations

  • $10M to baseline the FY21 one-shot 100 City Park Worker and 50 Gardener staff lines

  • $30M to restore the seasonal staff budget for maintenance and operations workers citywide

  • $3M to restore the Parks Opportunity Program and provide a pathway to full-time employment

  • $15M to restore critical parks forestry contracts for tree pruning, stump removal, sidewalk repair, and invasive species control

$4M to reinvest in Recreation and Programming – to restore the Parks Equity Initiative and support park stewardship organizations citywide

$9M to reinvest in Parks Safety

  • $3M to restore the 50 Urban Park Ranger positions created in the FY20 budget

  • $6M to restore the 80 Parks Enforcement Patrol positions created in the FY20 budget

$7.9M to reinvest in Nature and Resiliency

  • $3.4M to restore 15 GreenThumb staff and expand access to plant materials, resources, and tools for community gardeners citywide

  • $4.5M to continue conserving and caring for our natural forests and begin critical improvements for our City’s wetlands and trails network


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